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Dengming Zhang

Master's student @Zhejiang University


Hello there, I'm Dengming Zhang, a master's student at the Zhejiang University, supervised by Prof. Weitao You.

My primary research interests focus on Multimodal and Affective Computing. At the same time, I have researched on the AIGC, Meta-learning and HCI on the side.

By the way, I am good at combining scientific research with engineering implementation, and I have rich experience in front-end development, back-end development, and cluster devops. Some of the open source projects that I lead/participate in can be found on my Github.



  1. Personalized Dynamic Music Emotion Recognition with Dual-Scale Attention-Based Meta-Learning

    Dengming Zhang, Weitao You, Ziheng Liu, Lingyun Sun, Pei Chen

    Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence2025
  2. Few-shot bearing fault diagnosis based on meta-learning with discriminant space optimization

    Dengming Zhang, Kai Zheng, Yin Bai, Dengke Yao, Dewei Yang, Shaowang Wang

    Measurement Science and Technology2022
  3. StyleFactory: Towards Better Style Alignment in Image Creation through Style-Strength-Based Control and Evaluation

    Mingxu Zhou, Dengming Zhang, Weitao You, Ziqi Yu, Yifei Wu, Chenghao Pan, Huiting Liu, Tianyu Lao, Pei Chen

    Proceedings of the 37th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology2024
  4. Aligning AI Capabilities with Pattern Design: An Intelligent Design Assistant based on Language Agents

    Dengming Zhang, Wenda Shi, Yufan Xi, Heyang Yi, Weitao You, Nan Li, Li Zhang, Xin Yao, Xiangdong Li, Lingyun Sun

    Under Review2024
  5. FonTS: Text Rendering with Typography and Style Controls

    Wenda Shi, Yiren Song, Dengming Zhang, Jiaming Liu, Xingxing Zou

    Under Review2024